Program Management
Consulting Services

Bounce-Boom Racquet Sports is Northern Virginia’s leading tennis and pickleball management company.

We provide comprehensive, customized tennis and pickleball program management for public and private facilities, offering tennis lessons, clinics, team coaching, leagues, tournaments and special events to municipalities, swim & tennis clubs, residential communities, homeowners’ associations, and corporations. Our mission is to bring friendly, fun and supportive tennis programming to everyone, everywhere! 

We can also assist your small business in becoming a successful vendor for municipal sports and activities through our consulting services.

It’s easy to get the ball rolling!

The process works by contacting us today! The hardest step is the first one, making the phone call. Once you contact Bounce-Boom, we will sit down with you, the decision maker, and take you through our product list where together we customize a program to your constituency’s wishes.

Please contact Gregg Deinhart, Managing Partner.

Tennis and Pickleball Program Management

Tennis and Pickleball in your parks
Through its PUBLIC program division, Bounce-Boom partners with municipal departments of recreation to bring first-rate instruction and programming to players of all ages in their parks. These programs are available to all Northern Virginia residents with enrollment preference given to municipal residents.

Tennis and Pickleball where you live, work and play
Through its PRIVATE program division, Bounce-Boom provides outdoor swim & tennis clubs, homeowners associations, corporations, and other organizations with first-rate instruction and programming to players at their host sites. Private program enrollment is limited in accordance with host site guidelines.

Consulting Services

Becoming a successful coach/teacher requires more than the specific skills you have in your sport or hobby. Bounce-Boom has a track record of over two decades working as a vendor for tennis and pickleball instruction to municipalities and community-based recreation facilities. 

If you feel the calling to start a business, opportunities have never been better. Municipalities are developing more relationships with private companies to provide services for residents. That is where we can help. Drawing on our vast experience working with municipalities, Bounce-Boom consulting can help you in the following areas of business:

Technical Instuctor/Manager Training

We help you develop your teaching “method” in a way that your staff can grasp. Hiring employees to teach is the best way to grow your business. Teaching your staff “must have” techniques and rules is key to that growth growth. 

  • Hiring the best employees

  • Employee Training

  • Developing your “method”

  • Developing a class-offering program (How many classes. How many students. What to teach)

  • Must-have (and affordable) tools you need to track coaches, students, and revenue. 

Business Development

We can also help you with the building blocks of your organization to ensure that your business is on solid ground as you set out and steady as you grow. 

  • Business license and company registration.

  • Writing an RFP (proposal to get business)

  • Insurance and accounting advice (The two feet on which your new business will stand)

To set up a FREE consultation meeting, contact Gregg Deinhart, Managing Partner.